Molalla Skate Park

Skate Support
Skate Competition
AND THE WINNERS ARE.................
About Us
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Skate Support
...That being said (newspaper articles, or coverage)
Skate Scene
Say It Loud and Proud!

Not everyone wants to get involved in the same way. If you don't skate, that's o.k. I don't either, maybe you have a great idea, you want to volunteer your time, or donate to our cause. You can show your support by doing any of these things. All help is welcome.

Volunteer Your Time by joining Skate Watch, our newly formatted group, to help maintain the skate park and to help keep skaters posted on local skate competitions and happenings.

See the "Say it Loud and Proud" heading to reach someone about volunteering your time.

If you want to register for the July 13 & 14 2008 competition send us this information via e-mail:($20.00 entrance fee will be due at the time of the competition).

Phone number:
E-mail address:
Skill Level:
Competition background:

A great way to show you care about the Molalla Skate Park is to help maintain it. Once a month, on a Saturday, we will schedule a clean-up and help keep the skate park looking nice to avoid any uneccesary wear and tear. Help us out, after all it's your skate park.

Make a Donation: If we can get enough funding without too much help from the City it will be easier to help our dreams for the skate park become a reality.

If you can't volunteer your time or skate think about making a tax-deductible donation to the support of the skate park for possible renovations or enlargement. See the Say It Loud and Proud page to contact us.

If what you can do for us is not listed,write a Letter and send it to us and tell us what you'd like to do for the Molalla Skate park.

Animated Mailbox Opening and Closing