It is with a heavy heart that SkatePark Investors reports on the death of Timateo De La Cruz. He passwed away on April
22, 2022 at the age of 38. Timateo was an avid rollerblader and spearheaded the skate park efforts in Molalla that began in
1997. He will be missed. I know it has been years since you have heard from us, but we have heard there are efforts to rebuild
the skate park in town and as a member of his family I will be actively involved in these efforts. We are working with SK8
Molalla and City Council to rename the skate park the Timateo De La Cruz Memorial Skate Park. Please help us support this
endeavor. 'Keep busting out!'
New telephone number to contact Salena
is (503) 539-2792.
Well the car wash was a bust. We only made $35.
We are working to find the insurance funding another way. If anyone has any ideas of what we can do, let me know. Not to worry
we will be working very hard to make sure this competition goes without a hitch. DIJ Metal will be performing at the competition
live. We look forward to making this comp the best ever and reminding people what a little town did with a big dream.
Well, things are really starting to happen. We've received some great prizes already, from Calsk8,
Exit Real Worlds, Sunshine Distributors, Globe Shoes, Dickies Girl, and am waiting on others. If you know anyone that would
like to volunteer, donate, or exhibit their talents. We're ready to have a rip-roaring good time. **PLEASE TAKE THE
the idea of getting the skate park in Molalla. He has been a big influence on the original idea and we welcome him with open
arms. We hope to create an ongoing relationship with all of you and Mr. Nolan in helping make this skate competition the best
ever. In addition, on May 21, we will be having a car wash to raise money for the insurance cost to have the skate competition.
If you'd like to join the efforts in the skate competition, the car wash, or the organization let me know we'd love to have
you help out. Until next time...KEEP BUSTIN' OUT!!!
We're doing it. It's on. We got approval from the City of Molalla to have the competition,
with the stipulation that we must get insurance. We will be having some fundraisers to get the money for the insurance and
the skaters will pay the other part. In addition to having waivers signed. The insurance will only be $5.00 a skater so the
cost to enter the competition is $10.00. $5.00 will help cover overhead costs and the other $5.00 will cover insurance. Not
to bad considering the other quote we got was $500. Anyway, keep bustin' out and can't wait to see you all there.
We're blowing it up this year. We will be holding a skate competiton on July 2. We will have all the insurance issues
worked out and we'll show everyone what skaters are all about. Come join the fun.
The 2004 skate competition was postponed due to some insurance snags. I hope to still have one after the school year
begins. But if not we will definitely be rocking it up and out in 2005. Stay tuned to the site as word becomes available.
The skate competition will be held July 10. For more details go to the skate competition 2004 page.
Well, for those that came to the skate comp. on Saturday, it didn't happen. It is going to be rescheduled to when I return
from my internship in MIssouri, which will be in September. Will keep you posted with the details.
It's all coming together. The skate competition will be July
5, 2003 @ 2pm. Skaters can begin showing up for registration at 12pm. As I said I wll be unable to be there, but I will continue
to do what I can to make the skate park even better. I created a skaters keepsake magazine and am looking for a magazine publisher.
Hope to see all of you bustin' out!
Well, the 2003 competition is bustin' out on July 5, 2003. For those who may not know, I have an internship
over the Summer and will try to make it back. However, if I am unable to make it Timateo De La Cruz will be hosting the event,
as he will probably be unable to compete due to an ankle injury he sustained during a car accident. Get those boards ready
and those blades primed because we're ready to bring it!
We have confirmation from Skatepile, T-Bone Videos, Daily Bread Magazine, and SunWear for prizes. Woo Hoo! And Skatepile
will be sponsoring the event. Yeah!
Working to make the 2003 Skate Competition bar grindin,' hip hoppin,' full blown fun!
Starting the contact for 2003 Skate competition.
Will be coordinating with Skate Watch to let them know we are looking for a
new CEO and that a skate comp. will be held July 6.
No new updates where Skate Watch is concerned.
Working to get skaters more interested in the cause/.
1/5/02 Happy New Year!
I just wanted to give
everyone a little heads up about what's going on in SkatePark Investors' world. We've applied for an $11,000 grant to revamp
the skate park. If anyone is interested in helping out please let me know.
Unfortunately, Skate Watch has not
met recently due to lack of attendance. Again, I reiterate, this is not my skate park. This is yours, the skaters, and if
you want something better you need to help get it going. I can push for it all I want, but I'm not a skater and it won't mean
the same if you aren't a part of it. Take an active roll. Join Us!
Next meeting, September 30,2001 2:00 p.m.Molalla
Skate Park
August 12, 2001:
The first official Skate Watch meeting.
Meeting Minutes:
first order of business was to discuss clean-up and helping to maintain a nice, clean skate park. *Discussed possible
designers *The responsibility Skate Watch has to ALL skaters. *Future plans *Gave contact card to reach me if
comments or questions arise about the skate park.